Accurate material management ultimately enhances productivity. Effective material management is a crucial part of construction sites, reducing resource waste, maintaining quality, and even impacting safety.
Real-Time Location System (RTLS) technology provides real-time tracking of material location, significantly reducing the time spent searching for materials. With the ability to manage quantities, RTLS brings a new level of productivity.
Accurate tracking of material quantity is essential. Real-time tracking of material location helps identify where materials are and how many are currently available.
High Accuracy
Statistical Data
Automatically record material transactions as they pass through specific points, preventing human errors and saving labor resources.
Fast Data Integration
Real-Time Location Tracking
Materials that could potentially cause safety accidents require special attention. Real-time tracking helps prevent accidents by identifying nearby workers.
Proximity Distance Settings
Response Method Settings
Significantly reduces the time workers spend searching for materials. In a construction site, work time directly affects productivity, and optimizing the work site leads to efficient operations without wasting resources.
Real-Time Status Overview
Real-Time Location Tracking
When materials are lost, it can be difficult to determine if it's a simple mistake or theft. However, real-time tracking of material location prevents energy and cost waste.
Response Method Settings
External System Integration
Inefficient material management at construction sites directly affects productivity. By optimizing processes and eliminating wasted resources, including human resources, ORBRO provides a range of optimized functions.
Generate reports and analysis based on on-site data.
Receive immediate alarms in case of abnormal situations related to materials.
Retrieve and digitize the movement history of materials at the construction site.
Understand the current movement and location of materials.
Detect materials that deviate from their designated areas or move to incorrect locations.
Analyze the usage and timing of materials at the construction site.
Efficiently connect with systems such as RFID, IoT, security, and video to maximize utility.
Maintain a high level of data security to provide a reliable solution.
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