Accurate and objective data can drive business growth. By minimizing wasteful resources and expenses, we can provide a smart exhibition hall image and enable differentiated operations.
Real-time Location Tracking System (RTLS) technology provides real-time information on the location of visitors. Based on accurate and objective visitor data, we can create an exhibition hall that people prefer.
By tracking real-time crowd movement, we can effectively plan exhibition hall operations, including layout and exhibit placement.
Real-time Status Monitoring
Fast Data Integration
We can analyze the movement patterns of visitors within the exhibition hall. Additionally, by understanding their preferences, we can provide meaningful indicators for exhibition hall operations.
Statistical Data Provision
High Accuracy
We monitor exhibits in real-time to prevent damage and theft. This allows for faster proactive measures.
High Accuracy
Fast Data Integration
It's not easy to obtain meaningful data from exhibition hall visitors using traditional methods. With ORBRO's new features, we can increase operational efficiency and drive business growth in exhibition hall management.
We can generate reports and analytical data based on asset usage records.
In the event of abnormal situations in the exhibition hall, alerts can be sent for immediate response.
We can track the movement patterns of the crowd on a daily basis.
We can monitor the current movement of visitors.
We detect when visitors approach restricted areas.
Based on the exhibition hall situation, we can provide instructions to workers.
We can integrate RFID, IoT, security, video, and other systems for efficient utilization.
We maintain a high level of data security to provide a reliable solution.
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