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RTLS Solution

RTLS in the Healthcare Industry

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RTLS in the Healthcare Industry

With the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic, advanced IT technologies are becoming increasingly important in the healthcare industry. Patient tracking and management can be considered as a key aspect of the technology. RTLS, which stands for Real-Time Location System, is a technology that will be extensively used across the healthcare industry in the future, providing much-improved levels of service than what is available now.

What is RTLS?

In the medical field, Real-Time Location System (RTLS) refers to a system used to track and manage medical equipment, staff, and patients in real-time within any type of patient care environment. It can be thought of as an "indoor GPS" for hospitals. However, beyond simply locating assets, this technology provides precise location tracking that easily integrates with other healthcare IT solutions, enabling facilities to improve workflow, reduce costs, and enhance clinical quality. RTLS solutions typically involve location sensors attached to various assets such as patients, staff, or equipment. The system uses unique IDs to locate tags and provide real-time information on their whereabouts within the facility.

What can it do?

Risks such as equipment malfunctions, infections, or physical attacks are constant threats within healthcare facilities. Real-Time Location Systems can mitigate such risks and enhance patient safety. For example, it is not uncommon for hospitals to reuse contaminated medical equipment without proper cleaning, leading to medical incidents. RTLS solutions provide the answer to such human errors.

• 감염된 환자 또는 사람과 접촉한 직원과 환자를 파악하고 이를 기반으로 접촉 추적 보고서를 생성할 수 있습니다. 코로나와 같은 감염성이 높은 질환의 경우, 선제 조치가 가능합니다.

• 오염된 장비는 세척해야 하는 시기를 즉시 파악하고 가능한 감염 위험에 대해서 즉시 통보해줍니다. 또한 해당 장비를 비롯하여 병원 내 의료기기들의 위치를 모니터링하고 이들을 통제, 관리할 수 있도록 관리자에게 정보를 제공해 줍니다.

• 고장이 발생한 기기 또는 유지 보수가 필요한 시점이 다 된 장비에 한해서 이를 관리할 수 있습니다.

• 의사, 간호사를 비롯한 근로자와 환자들에게 응급 상황이나 신체적 위협이 발생한 경우, 신속하게 도움을 요청할 수 있습니다.

• 환자가 가서는 안되는 구역에서 방황하는 경우, 이를 실시간으로 파악하여 대처할 수 있습니다. 또는 지오펜싱 기술을 이용해 자동으로 알림이 울리게 할 수도 있습니다. 이는 특히 치매나 알츠하이머 환자를 돌볼 때 중요합니다.

• 경고 및 보안 시스템, 지오펜싱 기술을 비롯한 RTLS 기술을 사용하여 응급환자나 신생아 등 특히나 취약한 대상들을 보호하고 관리할 수 있습니다.

What are the benefits?

RTLS technology offers significant benefits in terms of safety, as well as economic and operational aspects. It can help reduce costs by efficient equipment management and prevent costs resulting from equipment incidents. From the perspective of administrators, they can collect and analyze monitored information. They can understand the usage status and utilization of the equipment used in hospitals, as well as track the locations of patients within the building. Additionally, if there is an increase in the number of patients and waiting times become longer, the system can help alleviate bottlenecks. By taking timely actions during periods of excessive waiting times, hospitals can provide a better experience and higher satisfaction to many people.

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