Worker safety is paramount above all else. Failing to ensure worker safety in high-risk environments can lead to productivity issues and even legal liabilities. Moreover, maintaining a safe construction site plays a crucial role in establishing a company's image and gaining the trust of stakeholders.
Real-Time Location System (RTLS) technology provides real-time information on the locations of construction site workers. Administrators can detect potential hazards in advance and respond quickly to issues. It also supports compliance with safety regulations and builds trust between workers and management.
Real-time detection of whether workers are wearing safety equipment, such as helmets, helps prevent accidents during work and maintain a safe working environment. Strengthening site safety management enhances organizational safety and reliability.
High Accuracy
Real-time Status Monitoring
Real-time tracking of workers' locations allows for monitoring of safety conditions and enables quick response in case of approaching hazardous areas or emergencies. This helps prevent potential risks in advance.
Real-time Location Tracking
Fast Data Integration
Safety is not only important for humans but also for heavy equipment with potential accident risks. Real-time tracking of heavy equipment locations enables identification of cases where workers are in close proximity or taking incorrect routes, preventing accidents.
Real-time Location Tracking
High Accuracy
Warnings can be sent to managers if there are hazardous equipment or materials along the paths workers are heading towards. This enables quick response or rescue operations.
Provision of Statistical Data
Data Cloud Storage
Pre-setting areas that should not be accessed or areas that require caution allows for warning workers passing by or notifying managers. This helps prevent accidents.
Free-range Setup
Multiple Zone Setup
Ensuring worker safety enhances efficiency and reduces losses from accidents. ORBRO has designed optimal features to protect the safety of construction site workers. The system is built to appropriately respond to safety accidents that may occur, including worker proximity to hazardous areas, accidents, and potential risks associated with heavy equipment.
Generate reports and analytical materials based on field data.
Send alarms in case of abnormal situations for immediate response.
Inquire about the paths taken by workers on the field and convert them into data.
Monitor the current movements of workers and their flow.
Real-time tracking of workers' movements to detect deviations or approaching restricted areas.
Understand how workers operate to improve work efficiency.
Efficiently utilize systems such as RFID, IoT, security, and video through integration.
Maintain high-level data security to provide a reliable solution.
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